Category: The Gambit

  • sidney ponson is greasy. and i love grease.

    before getting to our topic du jour, a couple of observations from the best seats in the metrodome from last night\’s twins game: carlos silva clipped his fingernails in the fourth, fifth, and sixth innings. i inadvertently hit torii hunter in the shoulder with my all-star game ballot. he didn\’t appear to be bothered by…

  • Wink wink, nudge nudge

    Very classy, Mr. President. Don\’t forget to cover your stomach during the National Anthem. Or if you\’d prefer something more low-brow, you could try clicking here. Sorry for the short gambit; this is the best the day will allow.

  • paging norman rockwell

    i may rag on it from time to time, but i truly do love austin. i won\’t wax springsteen or mellencamp on you, but i believe it was a great place to grow up. that said, it\’s a different town now. part of it is because it\’s changed; part of it is because i\’ve changed.…

  • All Growed Up

    I feel as though I\’ve cut my last tie to immaturity. That\’s right, this week marks the close of another chapter of my life. I finally paid off the last of my student loans. Obviously, this is of overall benefit to me. It\’s quite a bit like getting a significant pay raise, for one, since…


    intersting news item out of winona today. click here and then come ba… ah, screw it, it\’s short: A 23-year-old Winona man who was stabbed nine times early Saturday morning told police he couldn’t identify his assailants because he slept through the whole thing. Deputy police chief Tom Williams said Winona Police are investigating the…

  • Hurts So Good

    I biked into work today. It kinda hurt. But in a good way. You heard me right. I bought a bike. Specifically, I bought this bike, with the idea that its primary use will be for me to ride it to work, whenever the weather and my overall fitness level allows for it. So far,…

  • things that weigh more than sidney ponson

    + Ford F-150 + al newman + 275-pound cheese wheel + the world\’s largest pumpkin + both a ton of feathers *and* a ton of bricks + 1,000 sticks of butter + three nick puntos

  • Best Month Ever

    (And we haven\’t even finished the month yet.) No, this is not a post about VH1. That\’s Wade\’s gig. Or perhaps wadE\’s. What I\’m talking about is the increased site traffic we\’ve seen here of late. I don\’t think I mentioned it, but in fact last month was the largest traffic month we\’ve ever had.…

  • so here i sit

    in my basement, putting off things that need to be done. there are always things that need to be done. and, yet, there\’s never a shortage of distractions, is there? today\’s trifle: iTunes. along with, wikipedia, and youtube, iTunes is a frequent distraction. i\’ve got the house to myself, so i\’ve got the volume…

  • Grab Bag

    I\’ve decided it\’s a good day for a couple of old favorites, and a few new links, hence we\’ll call it a Grab Bag of stuff. For some reason I had this song in mind this morning. It\’s the soundbyte that destroyed a Presidential campaign, according to Mr. Lileks, and a longtime favorite around these…