Category: The Gambit
r.i.p., rod beck
i did an actual double-take after firing up last night. the top headline of the deck said \”former reliever beck dead at 38.\” rod beck? no freakin\’ way. i didn\’t have any particular attachment to rod beck; he was just a successful mid-90s reliever, not unlike jeff brantley or randy myers or anyone else…
Life In Hell
I would like to apologize for the recent lack of productivity (at least from me), but you know what… I\’m too damn busy to feel sorry or to apologize. And really, without any actual feelings of guilt, what good is an apology. I am living a life in hell lately as I am tasked with…
Irrelevant Music Note of the Day
B-Sharp. Thank you folks, I\’ll be here all week. Try the veal. Sir, how\’s your steak? Ahem. Irrelevant, because I\’m coming about fifteen years late to this party, but I\’m ready to proclaim that The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion, the sophomore effort by The Black Crowes, is quite possibly superior to their debut album,…
Intelligent Mathematical Design
I\’m expecting to see this popping up in Kansas any day now: Pi = 3.0, dammit. The funny thing is that I\’m pretty sure I was taught that it also equaled 22/7. Or possibly it was the cube root of the volume of a can of SPAM. It\’s hard to say. Or, if you\’d like…
Question Answered
Do you all remember how Wade\’s darling little daughter asked why the Chicago Bulls mascot logo looked so angry? Of course you do. Well, courtesy of a site named Rivalfish, which I found naturally via Deadspin, I think we\’ve found our answer. It\’s because Harrison Ford keeps stealing all his chicks. I\’d be a little…
Post Your Desktop
First off, apologies if any of you noticed yesterday\’s down-time. Apparently our host\’s database server had some problems or somesuch. Basically, it wasn\’t our fault. (Of course.) So for today… just a cheap filler topic that I like to throw out there from time to time. I post a screen grab of my current computer…
\”I said no camels! That\’s five camels!\”
I thought I\’d take the time today to direct your attention to a pair of time-sinks. First on the list: The Best of Craigslist. Even if you don\’t know what Craigslist is, nor how it works, just click yourself on a link that sounds interesting, because chances are it probably will be. I\’d suggest starting…
Tony Award winner, and long time SP favorite Charles Nelson Reilly passed over the long weekend of complications from pneumonia. He was 76. Seriously, a Tony Award? I did not know that. I guess I\’m not surprised, but see how you learn something new every day? In any case, Chuck has been a favorite around…
chess boxing
i was listening to KFAN in the car this afternoon. dan \”the common man\” cole was on; if you\’ve never listened to common, his shtick is a little hard to explain. he does no prep. he has no guests. there are a lot of extended pauses. the only \”sport\” that usually gets covered is his…
I ask you…
In light of this story, I only have one question. Why didn\’t they interview me about the Waffle? 🙂