Category: The Gambit
A Hastily Assembled Music Post
I\’ve been meaning to do this since Tuesday, and since it there is some actual time-limited content, I\’m throwing this together even though I don\’t have time to do it justice. Matthew Good\’s third solo album, Hospital Music, was released on Tuesday. Two cool things: The first single, Born Losers, is available for free from…
Speech Writing for Dummies
You can fool some of the people all of the- …or was it all of the people some of the- …no, wait, I think it was fool me twice… don\’t, don\’t get fooled again. And in that spirit, click on the following link to learn how to successfully fool Americans. Text of the most recent…
i fired off the website of my currently imploding former employer this morning and saw the following headline: Angels Are Gone; Help is Coming because i\’m an idiot, i got excited. oooh– did we finally pry wiggington out of tampa? were we able to score dmitri young so we can have a non-embarrassing DH? sosa,…
Vote Brewster!
According to a recent poll, there\’s a new leader in the race to become the GOP\’s nominee for President in 2008. And here he is! That\’s right, your new leader is: None of the above! I guess it\’s not too surprising, because frankly all the GOP candidates are insane in their own way. I will…
delusions of grandeur
pick your favorite: bobby brown is convinced that osama bin laden is obsessed with killing him, and will actually carry out the act when the formerly relevant crooner tours australia this month. why? a recently released report says that the OBL is in love with whitney houston– therefore, it makes sense to take out her…
the continued demisement of the english language: first installment
even though alex is listed as the chief grammar policeman on our right-hand nav bar, i consider myself a bit of a wordie. a punctuation person. a grammar geek. a spelling.. ok, you get the idea. when it comes to the english language, i stickle. (and, yes, this comes from the guy who doesn\’t bother…
things to do in hartford when it\’s dead
greetings from the corporate offices of HealThyself Health Group in minnetonka. i spent nearly all of last week in beautiful hartford, connecticut, meeting with other folks on the HealThyself team. (see the two buildings in the far right in this picture. oooh- you can see my hotel [mariott] in that shot as well.) hartford was…
drunken pre-teen
as a father– and, well, a rational human– this article raises multiple questions. where were the parents during all of this? how did she get access to alcohol? how did she get access to the car? what will she be charged with? did orange beach assistant police chief greg duck get quacked at a lot…
yes, arg. that\’s really all i have to say about this. i\’d like to say more, much more, sprinkled with various and sundried curse words. linking the vice president, even. (oh yeah, fun news about him, too.) but i can\’t. too tired of politics as usual. it\’s not even a partisan frustration. well, it is,…
you give wade… a bad name
first, read this. (then come back). wow. there are 38 different things wrong with this story. most importantly, people named \”wade\” should *not* be that ugly. less importantly, though, this (and similar stories about raging parents) is making me dread the day when the littl\’uns want to get involved in sports. too many idiot parents…