Category: The Gambit

  • celebrate… celebrate.. superstation TBS

    last christmas, i bought a new flat-panel HD-ready tv. our old tv was clunky, had a small screen, and needed to be replaced. ostensibly, there was no reason other than that to upgrade the tube. it\’s been pretty sweet– particularly nature shows on the Discovery Channel\’s HD version. however, the main reason? october baseball. i…

  • head. move. now.

    i heartily concur.

  • the roar has been restored, holy edition

    praise jesus, says jon kitna. it appears that, when i get to heaven, God will be wearing robes of honolulu blue and silver. why, oh why, is the Creator a lions fan?

  • papa tomato squishes baby tomato and says…

    so, last wednesday night i found myself at the lamplighter hotel in beautiful sioux lookout, ontario. it was the night before we flew into our fishing outpost in (further) northern ontario; we spend the night at the lamplighter so we can get as early of a start as possible the next day. anyhoo. sharing a…

  • terry ryan: out

    check it. interesting. it\’ll be fun to follow this to see if this is a legit retirement or more of a suggested one. i\’ve questioned some of ryan\’s moves pretty openly on these pages, but agree with alex in thinking that he\’s made the best out of a bad situation (read: pohlad\’s tightwaddedness.) in other…

  • I wear a badge. A dork badge.

    I deliberately did not post yesterday. I didn\’t think I could do the anniversary justice, without getting too much into politics and other things that make me rage up when I think too much about it. However, if you need a 9/11 reminiscence, I urge you to check out Michelle\’s blog entry from yesterday. It…

  • Introducing. . .

    Good morning everyone. Meet Jax. If you\’d prefer to be more formal, introducing Lieutenant Jackson Bonkers V. Yes, I realize that this officially makes us crazy cat people, but the little guy was irresistible. Plus, we needed a little more testosterone around the two apartments. I was getting a little outnumbered. Greta and Stella (in…

  • Open For Discussion

    It\’s Friday, and I don\’t have a whole lot of time for witty repartee today. So I thought I\’d try something new, and (naturally) really, really simple. We\’ll call it an open discussion, but what I\’m really after is as follows. Let\’s see a show of hands – who would like me to obtain: This.…

  • Answers to your unasked questions.

    Greetings. 1) Yes, I did see that Apple dropped the price on the iPhone yesterday. 2) Yes, that does mean that the model I bought a month ago was $100 more expensive and half the size of what is now the only model they offer. 3) Yes, had I bought mine 18 days later I\’d…

  • Delicious, but deadly.

    Things that are related to each other. Emphysema. Asthma. Black Lung. Popcorn Lung. Popcorn Lung! Mmmm… popcorn… *drool*. Seriously, I had no idea. Apparently there\’s been some recent news that not only can if afflict the people who manufacture it, but also people who consume it. You know, if you eat it more than twice…