Category: The Gambit
Moore\’s Law
Interesting post in the Times\’ technology blog today about the rate at which our technology devices keep getting faster, or increasing their capacity, while physically shrinking. I particularly like this paragraph: \”Let’s stop for a second to take stock of the wonder of all this. The last flash memory card I bought for my camera…
Narcissism Epidemic
Sadly I am not the least bit surprised about anything found in this article stating that the US in in the midst of a Narcissism Epidemic. Check it out…
Bachmann = Embarrassment
Michele Bachmann isn\’t as venomous as Ann Coulter, but the fact that the Sixth District here in Minnesota voted her back into office is frightening. Bachmann\’s latest is harping on a story from 2006 and trying to loop in Keith Ellison (MN\’s 5th Districts representative, who is democrat, and the first Muslim elected to Congress).…
Sid – As Delirious As Ever
We here at SP have lamented at the continuing career of Sid Hartman before. I did it just about 3 years ago. Wade did it more recently. This time though, Sid has really gone off his rocker as he can\’t believe the Wild GM Doug Risebrough was fired. What makes this one especially funny is…
God Bless… [poke] America
Interesting article in today\’s news about a man who is suing the Yankees for being tossed during the singing of God Bless America. It\’s a typical he said/he said, but what caught my eye was this quote: It [singing of God Bless America] was discontinued in some cities the following seasons [after 2001] but remained…
Brain Pruning
Really interesting article on today. The gist of it is that during puberty the brain takes stock in all of the connections it has made since birth, and those that aren\’t used very much get trimmed and removed. This process would help explain a myriad of things… like why teenagers are so damn stupid.…
Gambit… no, really.
I understand why people are upset over the bonuses that were given out at AIG. But really, in the grand scheme of things, this is a distraction. These bonuses were contractual. Yes, you can argue that Congress should have prevented these from being given out when the approved the money the first time, but they…
2-11-09 The Gambit!
Re-coming-again-soon to a website near you: It\’s The Daily Gambit! You could win fabulous prizes, and the chance to read daily content here! [Ed. Note: it will be the latter. Also, the term \’daily\’ is used loosely.] So keep your eyes peeled to the Gambit section of the new and improved main site page……
News of the Day
Hey check this out. It seems that lava flows indicate that the Earth\’s magnetic fields occasionally reverse, which would have compasses worldwide pointing South. This is a geological \’occasional\’, though, which means the last time it happened was about 800,000 years ago (unless you\’re Sarah Palin, in which case the last time it happened was…
one of the two advantages of driving to work each day is that i get to listen to KFAN on my trip in and my trip back. i can\’t do NPR anymore, KQ is too angry, \’CCO is too old, and my musical tastes are stunted as of 1997. so it\’s an easy decision. the…