Category: The Gambit

  • warning: cute kid story ahead

    knowing our audience, i try not to post too many of these (parents seem to find this kind of thing wildly entertaining while non-parents aren\’t so wowed), but i\’m a day late on the gambit and need something easy. so, max turned one last january. pastor brian was kind enough to make it to the…

  • Extremities.

    I get a funny feeling in mine. But that is neither here nor there. This is kind of an interesting read. I\’m not sure that I\’d want to hold up South Park as an example of how people should be. But by the same token there\’s just so much extremism in the world these days,…

  • herb

    first, r.i.p. herb carneal. i first started this somewhat unhealthy obsession with baseball in 1988, and can\’t tell you how many hours i\’ve spent listening to herb and john gordon call games. he did fewer games over the past ten years, and didn\’t seem to quite have his heart in it after his wife passed…

  • terry ryan… genius?

    terry ryan gets a lot of good press in this town for his abilities as twins g.m. and, for the most part, it\’s deserved. johan santana for jared camp. liriano, bonser, and nathan for a.j. pierzynski. drafting joe mauer over prior. i\’m not going to nick him for releasing david ortiz; anyone who says that…

  • haiku

    normal morning drive asshats swerving road rage grows i should buy a bike my cat broke her eye giving eye drops to cats sucks glad she doesn\’t bite

  • a.m. radio

    so, i need some calmness in my morning to help me deal with the fact that it\’s, well, morning. i have friends who listen to loud, up-tempo music to help them wake up, but that would never work for me. i need something softer– your james taylor, your ben folds, your pre-1996 counting crows. alternatively,…

  • The Story of One Man\’s Total Failure

    Everyone loves a good folly, right? The weather\’s so nice out there today that I thought I\’d take a short walk to the local sporting goods behemoth store (Dick\’s, in case you were wondering). It\’s not a long walk, probably not even a mile, so I thought it would be enjoyable. I needed a brown…

  • LCD: This Gambit

    Hey, why not. We\’ve already got a PCP feature. No folks, I\’m not talking about a type of computer monitor, although I am in fact that geeky. What LCD stands for today is Lowest Common Denominator. That\’s right – I\’m posting up videos. This first one comes to us via Deadspin, and is probably slightly…

  • what i need / is a good defense

    have you ever contemplated committing a crime? i mean, seriously? not, like, speeding or anything. something premeditated. i have, although it\’s not the type of thing you\’d see on \”law & order.\” actually, they\’ve really been scraping the bottom of the barrel lately, so maybe. but i digress.

  • Overheard in the Bathroom

    Snippets of conversation I\’ve been lucky enough to catch over the last month or so: Two boys, middle school aged: Boy #1: You shouldn\’t let that faucet run, it contributes to global warming. Boy #2: Your face contributes to global warming! [Pause] Boy #1: No it doesn\’t! Man and young son, in bathroom stall: Man:…