Category: The Gambit

  • MLB: the new no-fun league?

    first, read this. (then come back.) if you\’re not a details sort of person, the story is this: at the end of last season, the kansas city royals swept the detroit tigers, thereby allowing the twins to take the central division championship. torii hunter, forever the joker, sent the royals four bottles of dom perignon…

  • do not adjust your monitors

    this is actually monday\’s gambit. yes, it\’s being posted after tuesday\’s gambit. i know. but i try not to get lost in the weeds. happy to be back, gentle reader. i spent the entirety of last week in ULA. what is ULA, you ask? it\’s the United Leadership Academy. (if you have a trumpet, flare…

  • Pictograph

    …where X is my passion for, and overall motivation towards my job, and Y is the passing of time on any particular day. Such spike as exists corresponds with when I finish my coffee for the morning.

  • \”I think it was Osama Bin Laden\’s [idea].\”

    Karl Rove\’s quote there, folks. The war in Iraq was Bin Laden\’s idea. Seriously. How does he think he can get away with saying this? He also said he wished the war never existed, despite mounds of evidence to the contrary. Apparently the administration policy is to lie whenever it\’s convenient, and when presented with…

  • Good Point

    Interesting point about the VT shooter found here: Some news accounts have suggested that Cho had a history of antidepressant use, but senior federal officials tell ABC News that they can find no record of such medication in the government\’s files. This does not completely rule out prescription drug use, including samples from a physician,…

  • Water Water Everywhere

    I turned on my shower at 6:43 this AM. By 6:50 the water was tepid enough for me to enter the shower, after seven entire minutes of being ice cold. A few minutes later it was so hot that I had to adjust the temperature on the fly for a minute or so after that.…

  • kool-aid session: the highlights

    a pre-emptive gambit, as i likely won\’t have a chance to post one tomorrow. on a conf. call for new UHG managers. the topic? how to effectively manage using our intranet system. it, possibly, is one of the most incredibly idiotic things i\’ve ever endured. it\’s taking two hours to cover the most basic.. simple……

  • The Costs of Living

    So I\’ve been thinking about giving up cable TV lately. I know, I know. You\’re saying: That\’s crazy talk! There\’s no way you\’ll be able to give that up. At least one of you has already said that to me verbatim. But bear with me, and listen to the rationale, and we\’ll see if I…

  • america\’s pastime

    varied baseball nuggets for today: + the sea bass are up to 7th (out of 10) in the goat? fantasy league. if the season ended today… i\’d be satisfied. + relatedly: am i going to hell because i\’m cheering for a-rod (first-round pick for the sea bass) this season? yeah. i thought so. + if…

  • Vive Les Nukes

    So you\’re saying France is getting something right? Natrually it came about via the typical French attitude of well… we\’re gonna do something different… so nyah…, but still. I\’m moderately impressed, and did not know this particular fact about the country. Cleanest air, and lowest energy prices, what\’s not to like? Good wine too, I…