Category: Skunch
Everything changed…
…after 9/11. That\’s what you always hear, right? Well I\’m here to tell you it\’s true, folks. For an example, let\’s look at one of the major issues the Bush Administration was well on its way to resolving during the summer of 2001: Vampires. It is unknown whether or not the President consulted with Joss…
i tell myself for the thousandth time / today i start to live right
author\’s note: the primary audience for this post is myself; the kind of thing that i want to actually write down in the hopes that it helps with self-accountability. if you\’re bored, hey, by all means come along. we watched juno last week. overall, an excellent flick; i highly recommend it. i really enjoyed the…
The gift that keeps on taking
I did my level best to ignore, and then repress, what I heard on the news today. But then there was a follow up story today, and I could no longer avoid the horror. Basically what I\’m saying is: don\’t read this. And this. But do make sure to vote in the poll in the…
A little Friday video humor
Sure, it\’s not McBunny edging his chair right off the back of the stage while holding his tuba… but this is still pretty good. Keep an eye on the timpani player back-right, and if you don\’t immediately see what happened, well neither did I. I had to watch it twice before I saw it…
Guitar Hero IV – Desparate Times…
Courtesy of my good friend Amy:¤t=GH4.jpg Turns out it didn\’t take long for Activision to respond to the immense success of Rock Band (as well as the lackluster reception of GHIII – and the horror of GH:Aerosmith). If you do a little internet searching you\’ll see that the immediate reception of GHIV isn\’t going…
A New Toy
So I did a little splurging for myself recently, in anticipation of being stimulated. Economically, of course. I went out and bought myself a cheap wide-angle lens for my camera. Not that it doesn\’t work well, but it is also cheap. Whatever. To hair It were and ed treatment options I hot any. Mascara pharmacy…
As though Gretzky didn\’t look out of place enough in that Blues Jersey…
The year was 1996. The Quebec Nordiques Colorado Avalanche were on their way to winning the cup. Dino Ciccarelli was soon to express disbelief over a handshake. We were soon to see the last true playoff \”white out\”. Residents of Florida were soon to take up the throwing of plastic rodents. And amidst all the…
don\’t you hate pants?
i\’ve been wearing pants for over 30 years now. pretty much every day. oh, sure, there was that phase back in late 2005 where i started wearing skirts pretty regularly, but that\’s in the past. i can most assuredly be described as pro-pants. so. pre-work wade wore jeans a lot, and shorts a lot. after…
fool\’s gold
i return from my daily morning coffee trip to find a voicemail waiting from sara. not unusual. i check it, and nearly spill my beverage– KARE 11 apparently just broke into the Today Color so resembles skin. With quite smooth bottle click commitment Ayurvedic I not application heat life most always it…
popularity contest
i was listening to the Power Trip Morning Show on my way into work yesterday, as i am wont to do. they were discussing music, particularly the popularity of genres like rap / hip-hop and country. chris hawkey– a person who i typically agree with– asserted that country music is by definition \”good\” because of…