Category: Skunch

  • My Small Town

    This is delicously cheesy… enjoy!

  • I Feel Old

    Today is the traditional day for classes to begin at schools around the country. One of my favorite days of the year now that I am no longer attending school. Sixteen years ago (gasp!) I started my freshman year of college. I had never had an email address before arriving on campus, and I had…

  • Contains: Milk

    Last weekend I was enjoying a nice continental breakfast[1. Truth be told I was trying simply to hold it together after a case of food poisoning, but whatever.] at a Holiday Inn Express.[2. And just to forestall that question, yes I did make a number of extremely intelligent decisions later that day.] As people are…

  • Need A Bumper Sticker

    I just recently read an article that dogs are as smart as children. I\’ve maintained that my dog Luna (that\’s her on the left) is as smart as a five year old. It truly is like living with a small human. So this story comes as no surprise to me… although saying even the smartest…

  • Career \”Advice\”

    When I log out of hotmail I am unceremoniously dumped onto Basically that is my excuse for \”accidentally\” reading about Britney Spears or the latest between Rihanna and Chris Brown. But occasionally I will come across a really good article, and usually it\’s from Slate. This is NOT one of those cases.

  • Somebody explain this one to me.

    A word problem: I want a vending machine item that costs 90 cents. I put a one dollar bill in, and the machine replies that it would like me to use exact change. This irks me, so irrationally I put in an additional dime and select the same 90 cent item. The machine cheerfully vends…

  • Zubbles!

    Happened across some highly exciting news this morning: After four years in limbo (and countless more in development before that), they\’re finally here. Zubbles! That\’s right, colored bubbles that don\’t stain when they pop. It\’s gotta be a fairly amazing feat of chemistry, since the ink is visible, and then disappears after a few minutes.…

  • Wiki Degrees of Kevin Bacon

    As I was checking something out on Wikipedia today I had a random thought about the game Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon. Could I get to Kevin Bacon on Wikipedia from the page I was currently on? Let\’s find out.

  • Work Nicknames

    I work as a Project Manager for a living, although I\’ve been known to use other names for my profession. At any rate, one of the tenets of project management (and this is more widespread than the PM domain) is what we refer to as the Iron Triangle: cost, scope, and time. When I worked…

  • Pet Peeve: Midwest

    Number 1 in the 2385 part series of things that annoy me. Today’s topic is use (or should I say ‘misuse’) of the word “Midwest”. I really hate when people use the term “Midwest” to basically mean anything west of New York and east of Los Angeles. (Besides, we all know that the proper term…