Category: Politics

  • I am Vince! Vince Clortho!

    Diebold voting machine hacked by… you know what, I can\’t talk about this with a straight face anymore. Just go read this and be amazed by several things like: The relative talent of the hacker. The whiz-bang security by Diebold. Does anyone here know a locksmith?

  • a brand new strategery

    the president will address the nation this evening (thereby pre-empting \”deal or no deal,\” by the by) on a change to the administration\’s policy towards the war in iraq. and it\’s about time, right? the november takeover of congress by democrats served primarily as a mandate to the president\’s policy towards iraq. citizens saw the…

  • You must not touch the monkey!

    Have any of you seen this article in the New York Times? Oy. I\’m so glad we\’ve thwarted those evil terrorists who would have bombed us all back to the stone age using snow globes. There are some good chuckles to be had; at least we haven\’t lost the ability to laugh at our own…

  • i\’m learning so much about the world of health care

    today\’s term, as it relates to coverage plans: involuntary disenrollments. i generally call it \”dying,\” but whatever. while we\’re on the topic, may the 38th president, gerald ford, rest in peace. for a political science wonk, i know frighteningly little about the man. let\’s see: played football at michigan from michigan issued a full pardon…

  • I\’m sure this was funny at the time. Who knew The Onion could be so prophetic? \”We must squander our nation\’s hard-won budget surplus on tax breaks for the wealthiest 15 percent. And, on the foreign front, we must find an enemy and defeat it.\” Or is it merely sad that a quote like the one above turned out to be just…

  • election ramblings

    so i\’ve been at the new j-o-b for nearly three whole days; it\’s time to stop pretending that i work all day long. a few random observations from tuesday, and the associated fallout: + as my favorite network newscasters are now either retired (rather) or dead (jennings), i decided to go with MSNBC\’s election-night coverage,…

  • Now this is what I\’m talkin\’ about.

    Meet Tom Coburn (Sen – OK), my new favorite Republican: With quotes like this: “This election does not show that voters have abandoned their belief in limited government; it shows that the Republican Party has abandoned them. In fact, these results represent the total failure of big government Republicanism. The Republican Party now has…

  • Lynne Cheney: Pervert

    Did anyone else catch the recent flap about Lynne Cheney\’s book Sisters? Apparently she wrote the book wayyy back in 1981, but I came across a Huffington Post article that led me to another website that  led me back to Huffington Post for this article that has the transcript of a Wolf Blitzer interview with…

  • All the Presidents, Men

    Watch it now before the new Google overlords round up all who watch this to toil in their underground sugar caves… I love the George W Bush snore, and as much as I love the Daily Show, I\’ll admit it – I miss Killby a little bit. AND… KO\’s gonna run another \”special comment\” tonight…

  • Katherine Kersten: Conservative Columnist or Right-Wing Wack-Job?

    One of my least favorite Star Tribune columnists, Katherine Kersten, now has a new blog titled \”Think Again\”. At first glance you certainly wouldn\’t label Kersten a \”right-wing wack-job\”.  But if you read enough you\’ll start to see the double standard she brings to her column.