Category: Politics
You\’d think a Republican would remember C. Everett Koop.
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i just… i can\’t even…
look, just read this. one quote, buried within the lightbulb manifesto : Bachmann called any human connection to global warming \”voodoo, nonsense, hokum, a hoax.\” michelle bachmann: a) has too much time on her hands b) is more embarassing to the state than jesse ventura ever was c) is *monumentally* dumb d) all of the…
The Archie Bunker Vote
I didn\’t see it coming. I really didn\’t. I had really thought that with all the wins Barack Hussein Obama had racked up the thougths of \”a black man can\’t run for president\”, \”no way America will elect a black man\” had fallen by the wayside. But, no.
Know-Nothing President
As I perused the headlines on this afternoon I couldn\’t help but stop and read the one titled — Bush: US is not headed into recession. This sort of \”maybe if I close my eyes they can\’t see me\” leadership has grown so old. It truly makes one yearn for January of 2009. At…
Super Tuesday: Minnesota Caucus
So unless you\’ve been living under a rock, or doing a much better job at avoiding the media than I have, you have probably heard that today is Fat Tuesday… er, wait… make that Super Tuesday! You are also probably aware that this Presidential election is the most exciting and wide open in a million…
Who Wants to be a President?
I\’ve been avoiding talking about the political landscape lately, even though I have plenty to say. Part of the problem is that I haven\’t had much time in general to devote to the site; that much should be obvious by my complete lack of content. Still, I couldn\’t stay quiet after reading the following article:…
Speech Writing for Dummies
You can fool some of the people all of the- …or was it all of the people some of the- …no, wait, I think it was fool me twice… don\’t, don\’t get fooled again. And in that spirit, click on the following link to learn how to successfully fool Americans. Text of the most recent…
Warren Buffett is my new hero.
The proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes.* Buffett said he makes $46 million a year in income and is only taxed at a 17.7 percent rate on his federal income taxes. By contrast, those who work for him, and make considerably less, pay on average about 32.9 percent in taxes – with…
\”I think it was Osama Bin Laden\’s [idea].\”
Karl Rove\’s quote there, folks. The war in Iraq was Bin Laden\’s idea. Seriously. How does he think he can get away with saying this? He also said he wished the war never existed, despite mounds of evidence to the contrary. Apparently the administration policy is to lie whenever it\’s convenient, and when presented with…
i was once a political science major
no, really. i was. for hours at a time i\’d sit in the library at olaf and devour centuries-old texts from john stuart mill, jean-jacques rousseau, hobbes, plato, locke, marx… nearly all of it fantastic stuff, explaining how the world works– or at least how it ought to work. i briefly, foolishly, contemplated a career…