Category: Politics

  • Zero Sympathy

    I read that McCain has suggested an additional $300-$350 billion in homeowner bailout for those who are defaulting on their mortgages on top of the $700 billion for the business. Now that doesn’t have much chance of passing in Congress, but what a surprise to see a Republican candidate volleying up what is essentially a…

  • Equal Time

    I came across a very interesting Rolling Stone article today on John McCain. What I liked about the article is that it heavily relies on comments from fellow conservatives/Republicans as well as people who know John McCain personally. Very well written, very well researched… and quite chilling. It\’s long, but definitely worth your time. In…

  • 270 to Win Electoral maps for every United States election. All of them. George Clinton won 50 electoral votes in 1792. I believe he was a member of the Hot Funk Party. (h/t to Daring Fireball for the link.)

  • A third-party candidate we can all get behind…

    Vote for Zod. And then kneel before him. I\’ve been waiting for his comeback ever since he got forced out of the Imperial Senate a long time ago (and in a galaxy far, far away). Hey, it was either that link or the one from the monkey researcher about how he knows McCain is afraid…

  • Leftovers or Leftovers Warmed Up

    \”Would you like leftovers… or leftovers warmed up\”… that\’s who I view this year\’s presidential choices put forth by the two major parties. Here\’s a nice comparison by the Star Tribune. While the candidates do differ on a couple of major issues, the difference isn\’t all that stark, and the rest is a big bag…

  • It begins…

    Police are raiding homes in anticipation of protestors of the RNC. Link, link, and link. Great. Just great. Makes me so proud to live here. (And for those of you out there who are idiots, that\’s sarcasm.)

  • On voting…

    A quote: \”If you are bored and disgusted by politics and don\’t bother to vote, you are in effect voting for the entrenched Establishments of the two major parties, who are not dumb and are keenly aware that it\’s in their interests to keep you disgusted and bored and cynical and to give you every…

  • Patrick Henry would choose death…

    So the basic fact is: the Government, somewhere in the executive branch, possibly even the Big Shrub, committed a felony by wiretapping Americans. Today, the legislative branch, led by the opposition party, covered it up. 99% of the media would rather not cover it, since it could someday be their corporate interests who will need…

  • Co-winky-dink

    So, I was reading this the other day: Petraeus picked to lead Central Command, which basically says that the current head of central command, Adm. William Fallon, was resigning due to widespread (but supposedly false) reports that he was at odds with the Bush administration over Iran that had made his job impossible. So this…

  • Family Leave Tax

    From the \”Help me, I\’m becoming a Republican!!!\” department… N.J. may OK paid leave for family care