Category: Music

  • A Hastily Assembled Music Post

    I\’ve been meaning to do this since Tuesday, and since it there is some actual time-limited content, I\’m throwing this together even though I don\’t have time to do it justice. Matthew Good\’s third solo album, Hospital Music, was released on Tuesday. Two cool things: The first single, Born Losers, is available for free from…

  • Irrelevant Music Note of the Day

    B-Sharp. Thank you folks, I\’ll be here all week. Try the veal. Sir, how\’s your steak? Ahem. Irrelevant, because I\’m coming about fifteen years late to this party, but I\’m ready to proclaim that The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion, the sophomore effort by The Black Crowes, is quite possibly superior to their debut album,…

  • My Name Is Prince

    …And I am smelly! If you haven\’t heard, Prince is throwing a show here in the Twin Cities on 7/7/07. But what you may not have heard is that he\’s putting on a show earlier in the day at the Macy\’s in downtown Minneapolis. The reason for the concert at a Macy\’s? Prince will be…

  • Love 105? Hate it!

    I was driving home yesterday and flipped on my usual first choice in FM radio, Drive 105. It\’s an alternative station that isn\’t the best station, but here in the Twin Cities FM radio pretty much sucks. At any rate, they were playing a song from Offspring, which I thought was pretty odd. Their staples…

  • PCP: Best Rock Song

    greetings. alex and i were chatting the other day, and came to the conclusion that we\’re just not argumentative enough. sure, we both can have our contrarian moments, but for the most part we\’re just two happy-go-lucky chums, two boys with a devil-may-care attitude, a couple of carefree, harum-scarum gentlemen. well, no longer. let us…

  • Jeff Daniels: You\’re shittin\’ me…

    So I was listening to the Powertrip morning show locally here on KFAN and as I arrived at work they started an interview with Jeff Daniels to discuss his new CD \”Grandfather\’s Hat\”. They were playing a little bit of one of the songs as they came in from the intro, and it sounded very…

  • Dumb Funny Thing

    I\’m glad she\’s got a sense of humor about her big hit:

  • Mark Cuban is a moron

    Mark Cuban has been quoted saying that anyone who buys YouTube is a \”moron\”.  He does have a good point in that most of the content found on the site is copyrighted. But Cuban is far from unbiased on this topic.  He is the co-founder of HDNet, and he went out of his way to…

  • The Evolution of Dance

    Full commentary after the jump…

  • The Return of Mix Tape

    If you\’ve been around the site before, you know that we started out in this business by writing longer, feature-length pieces, which we will officially be calling \’articles\’ under the new system. Each time one of us writes an article, we will post an announcement here on the main site proclaiming its link location. These…