Category: Internet

  • Net Neutrality, Part Deux

    If you\’re wondering where part une is, that\’s here. So I\’m sitting here at the computer desk, doing a few things, trying to ignore the fact that Joe Morgan is yet again babbling incoherently on my television, and a commercial comes on. I\’m not really listening to that, either, but something about it gets through.…

  • VX2 and Look2Me: Redux

    The good news is that removing VX2 and Look2Me wasn\’t as hard as expected, the bad news is that something else called Suggestor was an SOB. Turns out VX2 was set up in my System Restore folders (while this whole ordeal, which isn\’t over, was quite painful, the silver lining is that I\’ve learned a…

  • VX2 and Look2Me

    Sorry for the long absence, but I\’m afraid it might continue.  The latest crisis is that my home computer has been infected with some particularly nasty malware. At first I found several viruses and a couple hundred pieces of malware, but I\’ve now got it thinned down to just two: VX2 and Look2Me.  Unfortunately it…

  • Cool Pictures

    Howdy folks. Sorry about the unexplained hiatus, although I suppose that\’ll happen from time to time. Just a short post from yours truly today. I found a cool blog with a picture per day, and I thought I\’d share. Enjoy.

  • The Vader Sessions

    I am confident in saying the following things: The following link is moderately un-safe for work. Far more work went into this than was strictly necessary. God bless the Internets. The Vader Sessions

  • Testing Grounds Challenge – Facial Recognition

    (You see, we used to have a Forum category called Testing Grounds, and… nevermind. Just read on.) Facial Recognition Test I got 27 out of 30 on the Famous Faces Test, and only one of those did I truly not have any idea on. Who\’s going to better me? Link found via Audrey at LowConcept.

  • Nigerian Scam

    I seem to recall writing about this topic before, but can\’t find it… regardless, it\’s a new take on the age old Internet Scam topic.  There are various cyber-vigilante groups out there who respond to those emails you get from Nigeria where some person asks for money.  One site in particular is: The best part…

  • Dan Serafini

    Oh good grief. Found the following link via Deadspin, for the record: Gotta hand it to that crack staff at the Good Neighbor. I\’d seen a few of his comments at Deadspin, checked out his blog, and gotten a chuckle that anyone, anywhere, would name anything after Dan Serafini. Did I ever think for…