Category: Internet

  • Squirrel!

    Ya know speaking of, it\’s about time for an annual viewing of Christmas Vacation, isn\’t it? But I digress: I\’m a big fan of how they captioned that photo. I\’m also a big fan of the related items links. Just a little Monday laugh for y\’all. Enjoy. P.S. Is this the Enquirer of the…

  • Pudding guy.

    Holy Crap. A) That\’s a lot of pudding. B) I think this is one of the few times I\’ve ever read a story this outrageous where has verified that it\’s actually true. C) Seriously, I\’ve gotta find a way to come up with something like this for myself. D) They say this all figured…

  • Yikes.

    I don\’t really consider myself a programmer or a website designer. Sure, I know my way around HTML with some proficiency. I\’m capable of stealing and modifying code to suit my own purposes, and most of the time things go as planned. Still, I feel as though I take more of a scotch tape and…

  • Fun With Spam

    I\’m not talking about SPAM, I\’m talking about spam email. I got one the other day that was somewhat intriguing. It was from a random address, but the embedded picture was from VIP Pharmacy that was selling all kinds of fun stuff that I know I would trust to put in my body (Viagra, Celebrex,…

  • Are You Kidding Me 😕

    Did you know we just missed the 25th birthday of the smiley face? You know, the colon, hyphen, right parenthesis combo that is used all over the world? The smiley face was apparently born on the 19th of September, 1982… and this guy claims to be the creator of the smiley face. I mean, he\’s…

  • YouTubes in action

    (Full disclosure: All of the following links were culled from this post over at This here is what happens when someone who\’s listened to too much Eddie Van Halen takes on pop culture. I was fully prepared to hate this from the moment the clip started, but it was too horrifically brilliant to deny.…

  • To paraphrase the great Keanu…

    Whoa. Just watch this thing through, it\’s got more plot twists than a lot of movies Trent has dragged me to. (Found via The News Hole.)

  • I Am So Smrt

    As I had anticipated, my employer made good on their promise (or threat) to install new blocking software from the good folks at Websense.

  • Question Answered

    Do you all remember how Wade\’s darling little daughter asked why the Chicago Bulls mascot logo looked so angry? Of course you do. Well, courtesy of a site named Rivalfish, which I found naturally via Deadspin, I think we\’ve found our answer. It\’s because Harrison Ford keeps stealing all his chicks. I\’d be a little…

  • Tabs

    My license tabs are up at the end of this month, and I recently received my bill from the state. The good news is that now that my car is 8 years old, my bill went down 40 bucks! The more interesting news is that on the bill it tells me to go to:…