Meet the new boss…

purple pride, purple pride, purple pride.  if you believe what the east-side fish-wrap factory says, KoRo got picked up in mankato last night on suspicion of drunken driving.  drunken driving may actually be a leap; he was charged with driving under the influence, and this morning KFAN\’s mike morris said that certain painkillers can make football players loopy enough to seem like they have been drinking heavily.  however, given the time of day that robinson was arrested, his well-documented history of abuse, it seems prudent to connect those dots. 

if true, i feel very bad for him.  he obviously has some demons that he hasn\’t conquered yet, and he needs to do whatever possible to get healed.  and for the vikings…  this should no longer be a surprise, right?  you didn\’t think that losing moss and culpepper would mean that the character issues would be over, did you?  kevin williams, willie offord, and KoRo are just the latest in a long line of purple-helmeted warriors to do our state proud.  do the vikings lead the league in off-field issues over the last decade?  or am i just more exposed to their problems because they\’re local? 

actually, i don\’t really care.  i\’m a baseball fan.  🙂







2 responses to “Meet the new boss…”

  1. alex Avatar

    Purple-helmeted warriors? That’s gold, Jerry! Gold!

  2. alex Avatar

    Speaking of baseball, I’m burying this in the comments, not to imply that it’s not good, just that I felt lazy enough to put it here.

    the show with zefrank

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