Came across a good blog post today from the President of Reuters, Chris Ahearn. Essentially his point is that he thinks we should all be civil with one another\’s content, and cite each other with links, rather than quoting long stretches, or entire articles, even with attribution. It\’s something that I\’ve always tried to do here, so it\’s refreshing to see from one of the larger news corporations out there, especially in light of recent developments with the AP, and Rupert (Yarrrr!) Murdoch\’s soon to be pay-only empire.
So I think it\’s safe to say we know which company\’s news articles I\’ll be linking to in the future. Congratulations Reuters, on \’getting it\’.
Hat tip to Daring Fireball (a good daily read if you want tech news, albeit opinionated) for two of the three links herein.
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