Part 1: I forgot to pay my cell phone bill. It was due on Monday. By Monday night, my phone had no service. I found it annoying, but didn\’t think too much of it, since that\’s not too far removed from my typical service level of one-half to one bar (\”more bars in more places\” my foot). But by Tuesday, let\’s say mid-morning-ish, I\’d put two and two together, and I may have literally smacked my palm to my forehead. That doesn\’t really sound like me, though. I probably just cursed. But so anyway, off to the internet I went to pay my phone bill. I figured that once the payment went through things would just right themselves. As it turns out, that\’s pretty close to the case. Part 2: Cue this morning. Things still aren\’t working with the phone. So I decide to trek on over to the nearest brick-and-mortar store, maybe a 10 minute drive away. I explain the situation to the sales guy. He checks out my account on the computer, and says it should be working. So I hand him my phone, and I swear to God . . . he reboots it. You may not find that as funny as I did. But as a computer tech, I don\’t know how many times I\’ve recommended that as a possible solution, much to the probable dismay of my clients. And frankly the iPhone is pretty much a computer. Basically, I should have thought to do that myself. So the morale of the story is: I\’m a genuis. The sales guy was actually really cool about it, and understood when I explained why I was laughing when he rebooted the phone. He
noticed my Twins hat, and we talked a bit about The Johan, and how he was disappointed that he\’d drafted Liriano for his fantasy team. Heh. And finally… (and h/t to Daring Fireball for the link)… Normally I would give this its own post, but I don\’t think I can really say it any better than the post author does. I just think it\’s funny. All I would really add is: You know I always have coffee with my radar! (And if nobody gets that, all the better for all of you.)
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