with visions of adam dunn and mark teixeira dancing around in my head…
from a sid interview with uber GM terry ryan yesterday:
\”We can do it with the present club as long as we\’re all clicking together. It\’s just like last year. Everybody kept saying we had to do something [a trade]. Well, we maneuvered and we tweaked it a little bit, but for the most part the people that got it done were the same people that played for us in June and July.\”
got it done? really?
here\’s what you got done last season. you went on an improbable 49-27 run to end the season. you had to count on the royals (!) to beat the tigers on the last day of the season to make the playoffs. you got embarrassed while being swept by the oakland a\’s in the first round. am i to understand that you\’d be happy if we\’d get that result again this season? and this is your logic for not pursuing any deals for this time before the trade deadline?
huh. terry ryan has certainly made some amazing moves in his career, and has been recognized nationally for these. however, he has also made some clunkers, and i don\’t know if i see his logic here.
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