yes, arg. that\’s really all i have to say about this. i\’d like to say more, much more, sprinkled with various and sundried curse words. linking the vice president, even. (oh yeah, fun news about him, too.)
but i can\’t. too tired of politics as usual. it\’s not even a partisan frustration. well, it is, a little– conservatives love to act all \”holier than thou\” w/r/t bill clinton\’s behavior, and now they have no right to do so, at least as it relates to pardons.
what a cluster, you know? if you do something the president doesn\’t like, someone will fuck with you, and can even break the law doing so. and– even if that person gets convicted? no problem. your sentence is commuted. and, hey, what do you know? let\’s just pardon the guy. no harm, no foul.
this administration is a farce. an evil, self-serving, reckless farce.
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