Ahoy, Matey! Where be the dr- aaaaaugh!

This link should tell you everything you ever wanted to know about why the Pittsburgh Pirates are a cursed franchise. The upcoming baseball draft will be the first one ever to be televised, and the Pirates have chosen the following folks to be the face of their franchise:

Steve Blass. Trevor Gooby.

Whoa. Steve Blass?! And some guy named Gooby. That\’s fantastic stuff. In case you haven\’t been paying attention, Blass was the original Rick Ankiel. He had great talent that inexplicably disappeared. He is now a Pirates broadcaster, so it\’s not a totally illogical choice, aside from the karmic.

Other notables from the list include a Dallas Green sighting, Terry Steinbach, Walt Weiss, and is it too much to hope for a slow motion shot of Tommy Lasorda falling off the dais? Oh, and Dr. Evil Gord Ash will be there. (I\’d like to point out that it was our very own Wade A who first made that compare and contrast, although at the moment I can\’t find any documented evidence of it.)

I have nothing more to add except this short video clip.







One response to “Ahoy, Matey! Where be the dr- aaaaaugh!”

  1. monkey Avatar

    The girl just mentioned that she could tell by the way I was browsing that I was “simplepropping.” Congrats sp.com, you’re a verb.

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