If you\’re looking for a new non-fiction book to read, without reading it myself, I would recommend: The No A—— Rule, by Robert I. Sutton.
Mr. Sutton is a professor at an engineering school, but after writing an article in the Harvard Business Review he\’s become a focal point for people to complain about \”jerks\” at work.
Some of the exmple touched on in the article are downright scary (yet funny). My favorite is the person who had a boss that would steal her candy. My least favorite is the report that 90% of nurses report being verbally and/or emotionally abused in the last year. Which really isn\’t surprising as doctors as well known \”jerks\”.
Additionally, there is a fun test to take that can be found here: http://electricpulp.com/guykawasaki/arse/
I scored a 6, which is partially due to a small a-hole streak in me, as well as the level of idiocy I deal with at work. In a better organization, I would probably score a 4.
But putting all of that aside, the one thing that really caught my eye was the following quote from the author: \”Passion is an overrated virtue in organizational life, and indifference is an underrated virtue.\”
How sadly true is that? How often does the know-nothing office idiot get rewarded at work, while you feel that you gave your blood, sweat, and tears and got a measely raise that didn\’t even cover the cost-of-living increase?
For example: Last year a co-worker (that a friend at work and I refer to as Cecil… long story) received a Hero Award. Cecil is the classic know-nothing idiot at work who happens to be close-minded and is a master of pushing action items on to other people. This person received a $1500 reward for her non-effort.
What a great lesson we learn. If you care too much, you\’ll only be hurt and disappointed… so stop caring!
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