A game and a show

As part of their promotions schedule for this year, the Pittsburgh Pirates are going to offer live concerts after some of their games this year.

I would have to ponder that concept as a serious contender for my ideal date. I\’m just saying.

It\’s kind of tucked away in the article, but I urge you not to overlook a noteable band in the lineup. Domo origato, baby.

Finally, please also note that they have a Bob Walk bobblehead in the works. No details were offered as to the difficulty of reproducing a bobble-mullet.



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One response to “A game and a show”

  1. anderswa Avatar

    PovertyNeck… Hillbillies?

    huh. can i get an over/under on the number of “yee haw”s in a typical PNH show?

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