It's OK. . .
- Alex
I've been hearing a lot of blather lately on how It's OK to say Merry Christmas, and I'd have to say that I agree, of course it's OK to say that. It's
a time of year that has been celebrated for thousands of years, and it's certainly a nice thing to do to spread cheer among your fellow man.
Of course, wouldn't you also agree that it might be a bit rude to walk up to a Rabbi and wish him a truly ripping Christmas? Same goes for a person of
Muslim faith, right? Perhaps you could wish them a Merry Christmas, and they could respond with a wish for their holiday of choice, and that would be OK too.
I have to admit that for once I almost agree with Bill O'Reilly. His idea that it's OK
if stores would just incorporate ALL the holidays is very definitely OK. But what about for stores with a limited budget, or maybe a mom-and-pop store that's
got one window-front? If they just want to use ONE greeting, isn't it OK for that greeting to be "Happy Holidays"? They don't want to offend anyone, and include
everyone. 'Inclusion' is not a bad word, after all.
(And also say that if the President wants to send out a card with a holiday wish for ALL of the American people wouldn't he want to use one that 'includes'
all of his people? I know, I know, that's so blasphemous.)
The problem, of course, is not the flavor of greeting, but the increasingly annoying tendency among a lot of people in this country to characterize every single
topic for debate as black-and-white. Like this famous asshat. "If
you're not with us, you're against us!" Well, that's very nice. I'm sure Jesus would say the exact same thing. Oh. Wait. . .
In America today, people are confusing being loud for being right. There's no space for discussion and debate and dissent - you just repeat your opinion as
loud as you can, and that makes you right and everyone should agree with you. And that, friends, is not OK.
So pick your flavor of holiday greeting today, whatever it be, and consdier that I'm wishing it for you right now, and that we're ALL, in fact, OK.
What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some
feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.