Casual Day Sticker

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As a follow up to Alex's Monday gambit I never thought I'd see the day when Alex had to go to work in a shirt and tie, and I'm sitting here at my computer wearing a sweatshirt and jeans. Of course I had to pay $2 for this priviledge and wear a sticker letting folks know why I'm not wearing khaki pants and a collared shirt (thankfully a tie (while encouraged) isn't required). My $2 goes to various charities and public health efforts my company sponsors, but the cost on some days is well worth is.

Let's see, there are 365 days in a hear, 2/7ths of those are weekends, 1/7th are Fridays which are "casual day" so that's about 156 days, leaving 209. Take out holidays (some of which are Fridays) and vacation time (again, a fair amount of Fridays) and we're probably looking at 190 days of M-Th work. Take that times $2 and you get $380 bucks. I tell you right now, I would trade 380 bucks off of my salary to come into work wearing jeans for the rest of the my life.

But I wouldn't trade much more than that, so in the meantime I wear my less than comfortable clothes so I can make my money, so I can pay for this website that keeps you all entertained...

You are entertained... aren't you?!

I thought so.

What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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