Geek Toys

- Alex

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If you're an Apple Computing wonk (or just play one to make a living), you'll know what this means:

It means that new stuff is on the way, probably being announced at a press event that very moment. Sure enough, we've got new iPods, new iMacs, and a new version of iTunes. And they're all tied together.

The new version of iTunes lets you download videos. Music videos and TV shows at present (currently only ABC and Disney are on-board, but if there's demand, other networks will follow). The new iPod claims it'll hold 150 hours of video. And the new iMac is poising itself as a stand-alone entertainment/tv center, even going so far as to come pre-packaged with a remote control.

There are other features as well. The iMac comes with a built-in web cam for video chats and other picture-taking endeavours. The iPod still holds music, of course. And you can read the rest for yourself.

Will it "work"? I don't know that I want to use my computer as a TV when I've already got a perfectly good TV... but then again, I had doubts four years ago about this new iTunes thing, and the original iPod too, so what do I know? I do know that I'll have to go check one out sooner than later.

What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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