Wake Me Up / When September Ends

- Wade

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We're about to enter October, easily the greatest month of the year. (I will not debate this.) Cool weather, turning leaves, playoff baseball... what more could a person ask for? Okay, it might be nice to have our local nine involved in these playoffs, but they had their shot and blew it. If past history holds true, the next time the Twins will make the postseason will be, oh, 2014. Suuuper.

In my prior gambit, I spoke somewhat disparagingly about the current leader of the free world. You know. "Won't get fooled again." "Sovereignentities." "Me winning isn't." That guy. Well, I hate to complain about something and then not doing anything to make the situation better. Today I found something that will make the situation better. Look:

The image is courtesy of Extra Ugly. You can get it on t-shirts, hoodies, even coffee mugs. Go there now and order something.

Christopher Walken for President! What a fantastic idea! He could give the State of the Union while leading the camera-person around by the hand, like he does it "The Continental." He could give the country a firm talking-to when necessary, like he did to a young Butch in Pulp Fiction. He could rally a nation, telling us we could make a stronger, safer world by exporting the one thing we know best: more cowbell.

The movement even has a website! It details Walken's personal history, his stances on issues, and even features a poster that you can print and hang on your cube wall. (Mine's up already.)

This all would be great... if it weren't... fake.

Alas, it sounds like Chris isn't entertaining a run. Too bad. The way I look at it, the presidency is his birthright.

What do you think? Drop us a line at webmaster@simpleprop.com and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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