Long Day

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Sorry for the late gambit... busy day at work.

I had hoped to give an update on my visit to the fair, but I don't have all the pictures ready, although I was too slow to get a shot of local TV anchor Robyne Robinson buying a pork chop on a stick. :-(

Speaking of Fox 9 personalities, weathergirl Janie Peterson looks like more of an amateur porn star in person than she does on TV...and flirts like one too.

Add in seeing a robot fight (think battlebots), eating a mega corndog (that's a single two foot long corn dog), Chelle getting deep fried pickles (suprisingly good!), and getting a bucket of Sweet Martha's cookies... it was par for the course.

I also had a Pronto Pup, leading me to the definitive decision that Corn Dogs are better than Pronto Pups, I will not argue about this!

Noticeably absent was cheese curds and mini donuts. If I can't get those from the Mower County fair it just isn't as good. Ok, time to go... have a happy/safe Labor Day weekend!

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