Gone Fishin'

- Wade

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Depending on when Al posts this, by the time you read this gambit I might have a walleye in my hands. And, no, that's not a euphemism.

I'm going to be fishing in Ontario for the next week. It's a fly-in trip, meaning I need to self-medicate. I did this same trip back in the summer of 2003 and nearly made the plane trip back miserable for everybody involved. Beyond that, though, it was a great time-- peaceful, serene, and copious walleye sandwiches.

If you're a details kind of person, we're going to be on Kezik Lake in Ontario, and we're not likely to see anyone else while we're there. We'll be staying in a luxurious bunkhouse for the entirety of the trip, and fishing 12-15 hours a day. That'd be waaaaay too long to fish around here, but it seems like you're always reeling something in up there, so it doesn't get boring. There's also the chance that you could get mauled by bears at any time, so that keeps it exciting.

Anyway, I hope to have pictures next week. And I'm getting a waterproof disposable camera this time, so I actually have proof of the giant fish that I'll catch. :)

What do you think? Drop us a line at webmaster@simpleprop.com and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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