The Working Fat
- Wade
Like most people (at least most people in January,) I'm trying to be more cognizant of what I put in my body each day. And not doing to bad at it, if I say so myself-- trimmed off nearly all of the Wendy's-induced sympathy weight I put on while Sara was pregnant. It's actually been pretty easy, especially since we're good about not keeping "bad" food (read: chips) around the house.
And then I get to work.
Al's resolution of laying off the chocolate while on the job made me realize that this might be a prevalent issue. For example, on Thursday morning I come in to find a chocolate chip bar/desert type thing on the table I share with the person whose cube is next to mine. Well, I'll only have one. Two, at the most. Okay, seventeen. On Friday, sitting next to the bars are two cans of honey-roasted peanuts. Unsaturated fat is good for you, right? And this morning, the nuts are replaced with... Krispy Kreme donuts. Oy.
I'm tempted by good food, but deep-fried dough is just bad enough for me to deny the urge. Good job, I say to myself. Strong. Discipline. You're a rock. Then I go to refill my coffee mug in the break room and find a plate full of oatmeal raisin cookies. I pause. Similar to Bill Cosby contemplating the notion of chocolate cake for breakfast, I begin to mentally tick off the ingredients for oatmeal raisin cookies in my head... Oatmeal is good for you. Raisins are good for you. Milk and eggs... those are breakfast things. And it certainly isn't as for me as a donut.
(munch munch munch munch)
So here I sit, crumbs all over my shirt. And knowing that behind me sit donuts, peanuts, M&Ms, Laffy Taffys... Our floor is having a pizza party on Friday. I'm not sure that the consumption of large meals is the root cause of the obesity issues our country is having. What's better than combining rich, fatty foods with sitting at a computer all day? Is every workplace like this?
Based on the advice of our fearless leader, I am being extra vigilant each day to ward off terrorist attacks. Maybe I just need to increase my vigilance to ward off attacks by fried dough.
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