Next up... October!
- wadE
As we bid a fond farewell to September, a month where I ran the air conditioner more
than I did in August, I find myself looking forward to October.
The leaves changing...or at least continuing to change. Crisp nights. Fires in the
fireplace. Baseball's postseason. And plenty of chocolate goodies for Halloween!
Dah! After having to deal with yet another issue at work, I've totally lost my train
of thought...
This whole "working" think is really getting in the way of quality writing of any sort
(gambit or otherwise).
At any rate, instead of thinking about the presidential race, or the war in Iraq, or
the idiot in the cube across from you... think about all the wonderful things that you
look forward to in October.
Positive thinking! The only way to remain sane!
What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some
feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.