Shut up and do your work!

- wadE

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I think a member of my project thinks he's Swedish

He's called in stinky twice in the past couple of weeks. Supposedly the water has gone out in his apartment, and he couldn't shower. So he just stayed home. Let's see, we have showers at the fitness center here at work, plus I know the guy belongs to a gym. So you couldn't have used either of those?

Yesterday during a meeting he sat there, barely answering questions posed to him, and just looked pissed. Today he's called in sick.

Now maybe he is sick...or maybe he's out playing golf. Either way work hasn't been the most fun lately. We are constantly changing what our focus is, and struggling in identifying what is it we need to do to get us to our goal. Projects like these are the reason I got out of consulting. Most of the time you don't know what you are doing, what your goal is, and how you are going to get there. It's stressful, it's hard, it's frustrating.

But tough... this is your job. Just because you don't like that the work you've done for the past few weeks is being shelved for something else doesn't mean you get to pout for a couple of days. There is plenty to do right now, so shut up and get back to work!

This particular person is a contractor, and other members of my team are thinking he is going to quit. Thankfully he is the weakest link, so it wouldn't be a disaster, but I'm tired of catering to egos. Yes, this is hard, yes it keeps changing, but you just have to dive in. (note: the rest of my team has not been a walk in the park either...)

Running away doesn't say much for your level of professionalism. Especially from a guy who operates under the guise that he is the ultimate professional.

Friday hasn't come a moment too soon...

Enjoy your weekend!!!

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