Mr. Garrison

- Alex

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Another short man's Gambit today, and I truly apologize. I will, however, leave you with something nice and verbose to read.

As Wade was so kind to point out in the Forum, we seem to have a President who can't tell his heart from his stomach.

So what I'll leave you with is this link, which is to an article written by Mr. Prairie Home Companion, about "what the heck happened to the Republican party?" It's a good read, and it raised a point I hadn't thought of. Not only have the current Republicans stepped away from their historical party values, but as supposed "people of faith", they don't really seem to be practicing Christians along the lines of the teachings of Christ, either. I really get more of a sense of a "Vengeful God!" from them... which really just isn't right.

Anyway, enjoy the read, and if you've got time to pray for my sanity this week, I'd appreciate it. :)

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