Too Busy

- Wade

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Why the hell not. I'm busy too.

It's 9:02 in the morning and I'm drinking coffee and eating Doritos. Not really the breakfast of champions, but sometimes I get a hankering for cheesy goodness that I just can't deny. And the skyways offer all sorts of convenient ways to give into this temptation.

Project-based work tends to be cyclical, and I'm currently at the busiest part of that cycle. Starting at the same application for eight hours a day. Thinking about it as I fall asleep. Making nonsensical references to movies I've never seen when logging defects. That sort of thing. Thankfully, I will not need to make a repeat Saturday performance, at least not this weekend.

Despite the stress, this is my favorite part of the project-- picture a train heading down a hill, gaining speed, while business sponsors are running alongside, trying to keep up, saying "we can't get on yet! stop it! it's not ready yet!" And the project manager and I are in the train's.. cockpit (?) saying "it's too late! we can't stop it now! get on!"

Well, maybe that's a cheesy analogy. My project does not involve locomotives, and getting it done by deadline or not getting it done by deadline will have no physical harm on any participants. Unless, of course, I'm driven to eat Doritos every morning.

What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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