WNBA Action...

- Alex

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I know the question that's on everyone's mind this morning:

Did Alex watch the WNBA All-Star game last night?

What's that? That's not the question on everyone's mind? In fact, in response to that, most people are asking Was the WNBA All-Star game last night?

Fine then. But I did watch it. To be honest with you, I had no idea that it was on either. I just happened to be watching the end of SportsCenter and they said it was coming up next. So I figured I should at least stick with it until I got a couple looks at Sue Bird. I'm nothing if not predictible.


I actually ended up watching most of the game... if by watching you mean "working on the website and glancing up at the action from time to time, while also flipping over to the Braves game during commercials". Still, that's pretty good for my attention span. Honestly, though, the game was sloppy. There were a lot of turnovers. On the plus side, though, Team USA (it was them vs. random other WNBA All-Stars) looked to fast break all the time, which is at least fun to watch.

And one thing that jumped out: Lindsay Whalen has a ridiculous first step. She made some defenders look silly. As soon as she gets a nice little running jumper (say about an 8 footer) to go with that (instead of those wild-spin layup attempts) she'll be devastating. Then again, who am I to critique? Heh.

Oh yeah, Team USA won in a rout. I'm sure you were all breathless with anticipation for that.

Anyway... WNBA Action... it's faaaan-tastic! Or something. At least I got to see Sue.

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