
- Alex

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So I spent all of Monday in a coma. That's why there was no Gambit yesterday.

Weeeeel, ok, so that's not entirely factual. But hearing Wade's old H.S. story about the Marine recruting sargeant that called him at 9AM on a Sunday made me laugh so hard last night that I had trouble breathing. That's kinda sorta like being in a coma. If you can convince him to tell it (preferably after a couple of cocktails), it's well worth it.

So what with this, that, the other, and your mom going on in my life right now, I almost completely forgot that I was pondering being depressed this past Saturday. (How's that for a rambling sentence?) You see, Saturday was - you know what, it's not even worth the lead-in, just suffice it to say that at around 10PM on Saturday night I thought - "Oh yeah, that's today."

So this is me, saying that time does actually heal all wounds. Sure, I'm saying it by quoting a few lines of a song that no one knows, in a space that virtually no one reads... but at least I'm saying it. So these few lines are for Troop:

And now you're moving on
This is my blessing, and please stay strong
For what it's worth I'm wishing you the best.
--Myles Kennedy

Take care kids, and take it from me: Don't spend your Mondays in a coma!

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