You're Fired

- wadE

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No, this isn't a gambit on Donald Trump.

I usually don't write much about my job on the site, but today I need to make an exception.

If you are a regular reader you may have picked up on the fact that I had been interviewing for a new job for quite awhile. I have recently found a new employer, but am currently working on a contract basis, with an option to hire. Basically a "try before you buy" option for the employer...and for me.

Things have been going well, but I've recently found out that the Sr. Project Manager I'm working with is about to be given the boot.

Whether or not it's justified, I always feel for someone who has been "let go". Ok, let's be honest... whether it's termination for cause or a layoff... you've been fired.

I've been part of two corporate layoffs and fortunately for me I've bounced back each time and found something better. But that feeling of being let go isn't something I would wish on anyone.

In some cases it's a relief, in others it's infuriating. Sometimes both. In all cases it's sad for everyone involved. It has to be hard to tell someone that, I know it's hard to be the recipient of it, and it's hard for those left behind who have to pick up the extra work.

My advice is to realize that it's not the end of the world. While it's a tough market out there, there are opportunities. And when something ends as ugly as this is right now, those opportunities can't help but be better.

So Earle, good luck, and keep your head up!

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