The bold new look of S-P-Dot-C
- Alex
Many of you by now will have noticed that things look a little different around here. Congratulations - your eye for detail is functioning
within normal paramaters.
We'd been planning this change for a while now, and through a series of unfortunate decisions yesterday by yours truly, the time to implement
the update became... well, yesterday. The lesson in all this is: When you're on the second day of a hangover, DO NOT try to
think. At all. Just trust me on this one. In any event, we've still got some changes to make (a prime example being the Gambit graphic),
so things will be in a slight state of construction for the near future. Just bring your hard hat, and hopefully you'll like the new vibe
And having mentioned the ogre of a hangover, I think it's safe at this point to let the cat out of the bag. The 4th Annual Austin Bar Crawl
went off without a hitch this weekend. Unless you consider a two day hangover a hitch. If so, it went off with one hitch. Either way, we're all
looking forward to bringing you a recap of the mayhem just as soon as possible. Personally, I'm looking forward to reading what the other two
have to say so I can fill in some of the gaps in my memory - like how I ended up wearing a foamy meshback Danny's hat that now smells like death.
And did anyone notice it smelling like death when I bought it?
So stay tuned, folks. We're just cranking things up for the summer.
What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some
feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.