Superstar USA
- wadE
Have you seen the WB's Superstar USA?
I had seen a ton of commercials for it, and actually thought it would be pretty good. The premise is that
the WB set up a show that is just like American Idol, except they are secretly only picking the worst
I had heard that out of the four finalists, two of them were from Minnesota. JoJo, who reminded me of a young
Big Gay Al...with bleach blonde hair; and a little sprite named Jamie, who apparently works as a waitress somewhere in
downtown Minneapolis. Where is CJ when you need her! Uncover the dirt on this girl!
Anyway, I decided to catch part of the episode to see who would get the boot. While I thought this show
would be fun to watch, it's actually just painful. The singing is bad, real bad. I felt horribly
uncomfortable watching these people make idiots out of themselves...and my state! Fortunately for Minnesota,
JoJo got booted. Leaving Jamie to "compete" against Rosa (not even a poor man's J. Lo, but more of a
homeless man's J. Lo) and Mario. From the little I saw, I don't think
anyone can compete with Mario. He is so bad you swear the he's putting us on. But no one could intentionally
sound that bad...he's got a gift. Along with his Bill Gates on cocaine looks, he's sure to win.
What is truly scary, is that the "winner" will get a recording contract, and $100,000. AND, I bet that record
will sell! If people are buying William Hung's CD,
they are certain to buy this one.
What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some
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