Manuel Labor
- Alex
We all know that I'm dedicated to bring you an on-time Gambit, no matter rain, sleet, snow, hail, cranky monsters made from old washing
machines, and other things that I rip off from US Postal Service commercials.
But today, yet again, fate has intervened and forced me into a late and subpar Gambit. Today's offender: carpentry. Yep, that's right,
our favorite itinerant worker, Manuel Labor. You see, I got a new desk at work. This would be a good thing, except that it arrived in a
decidedly un-desk-like shape. Meaning I had to screw it together. This really isn't a problem for me, since I'm really good at following
directions - it just so happened that this particular desk was one of those ones where nothing quite fits exactly right, so you have to force it
all together. Pain in the butt is what.
So, I started at noon, and in roughly the time it'd take to drive from here to Fargo, I was done. And now all rational creative thought has
been driven from my brain, for I am tired.
I was thinking I'd put up a picture of the beast, but I can't remember what it's called. Oops.
But hey, I also got a new chair. Here's a picture of that.
Yep, it's a sweet life. With resources like this, I'm sure to be ultra-productive and never late with any assignment ever again.
What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some
feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.