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In the spirit of Al's grab-bag approach from yesterday....

First things first:

ooowwwwWWWWW! Isidro Mejia is a construction worker in California, and had a nail gun shoot six nails into his skull and brain after a construction "incident" on April 19th. Doctors expect him to make a full recovery. Maybe working in a cube all day long isn't so bad, any the worst incident that could happen to me would be spilling my coffee or having to load paper into the printer.


The "Friends" finale was on last night. Verdict? Poor to very poor. Everything that you expected to happen, happened. The series has gotten progressively less entertaining as it aged, and the ending didn't make up for it. I thought the hour-long retrospective before the finale was more entertaining. I guess NBC wants to make sure no feathers are rustled, since the "Seinfeld" finale flopped in the ratings. Bring back "Good Morning Miami"!!


Can I get a job as a fantasy baseball consultant? I'm not saying I'm very good, but I really think that would be a job that I could put a solid eight hours of daily effort into, without a problem. Go Sea Bass!


Read this. (Then come back.)

I've never been a big Nick Coleman guy, but he touches a nerve here with me. But for a long time I've been bothered by the whole "religious right" notion, that if you are a church-goer you must be a Republican. Granted, there are some natural alignments (not the least of which is abortion), but the assertion that if you believe in God you therefore believe in Bush is too simplistic. It's like saying minorities always vote for the Democratic candidate. How did this link get established? I won't get all biblical on you, but when I read the Gospels I get a sense of HWJV (How Would Jesus Vote.) Conservatives, at least those who are shown on Fox News, don't seem to really embrace tolerance. You can argue that in a post-9/11 world tolerance is foolish; but do we really think that our actions abroad and at home will make terrorists want to target us less?

I dunno. Too much thinking for a Friday. More coffee.

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