Why, Time?

- Alex

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First off, for those of you who didn't realize it, Friday was a holiday. Religious holiday, yes, but anything that has my building closed, which in turn causes me to schedule myself to be 90 miles away for most of the day, leads to it being a gambit holiday as well. But so we're back. Happy Monday.

Speaking of religious holidays, did you happen to catch the cover of Time Magazine last week? If you don't feel like clicking on the link, I'll give you the headline, right here:

Why Did Jesus Have To Die?
As Easter arrives and millions still flock to see The Passion, the reasons behind his sacrifice are debated anew.

Why did Jesus have to die? Are you freakin' kiddin' me?

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the readership of Time is mostly Christian. And I'm guessing that most of those Christians can tell you why Jesus had to die without having to read that article. It's John 3:16, man. Just ask Rainbow Man, he'll tell ya.

It's this sort of crap that happens when making a buck is the only thing that matters. I haven't read the article, but what I'm guessing it's really about is the reasons behind the politics of Christ's crucifiction, from the Romans, et al. standpoint. At least I hope that's what it is, because there's really no debating the reasons behind His sacrifice. At any rate, I'm sure at some point some marketing wonk said "...but I think we can sell more copies if we make the cover more controversial." That's great, coming from a newsmagazine with such a solid history. I'm glad they've got the integrity not to stoop to the level of a People magazine, only for news.

Oh. Oops. Well, at least it'll sell well at Wal-Mart.

What do you think? Drop us a line at webmaster@simpleprop.com and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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