
- Alex

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This is about as political as I get folks. Enjoy it, if you enjoy this sort of thing.

The Bush re-election campaign is really pissing me off. This man has bought an election, sent men to die in an occupation of a country on false (at best) pretenses, and has plunged the national debt through the floor, the sub-basement, and halfway to China (and don't forget that the national debt was a hot-button election topic only 12 years ago, and Clinton had us in the black).

In any case, with all that to explain for, we've got cartoonish commercials railing that Dem nominee John Kerry is going to rase gas taxes. Because after all that we've gone through in Bush's four years, what we really want to do as a populace is laugh at some buffoonish politician who doesn't understand how his taxes hurt people.

Hmm... doesn't a pointless war and a skyrocketing national debt hurt American Families too?

The man doesn't get it. This election should not be about partisan politics as usual. I haven't seen a Kerry ad yet, but if he can get himself out of the normal rhetoric, he just might win my vote. Hell, at this point I'd take four years of Pauly Shore instead of the Shrub Regime.

Alright, I'm too worked up. Go read this. (And just get the free day pass, it won't hurt you.)

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