This is the part

- Alex

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This is the part where I laud Matthew Good. Why?

Because he uses a sweet 17" Powerbook, of course.

So wadE wrote yesterday: Don't you just love politics?

This is the part where I throw my pants at the stage.

This is also the part where I urge you to continue reading Matthew Good's blog, now located at: If you scroll down a ways, you can read some digging he's done on the Richard Clarke issue that wadE referenced yesterday. There's also this bit, which seems pretty much spot on to me:

"A little considered side effect of 9/11 is the opportunity it presents the American people to realize that theirs is no longer a government for and by the people. That, in fact, they dwell in the confines of a pseudo-military state that is disguised by the warm edicts of national antiquity. Given that the American affirmation is one of liberty and good cause, it should be regarded as entirely stunning that its President did not gain office by popular consent but rather by legality. What should be of even greater concern is that it is a nation largely governed by its military and intelligence communities which do not adhere to terms of office and, in some cases, are not obligation to answer to the citizens of the United States, those that are supposedly the ultimate voice in government formation and allowance."


This is the part where I applaud The Onion.

Yeah so that pic is also stolen from MG. Just another reason you should be reading his site, yo.

And finally, it's NCAA women's hoops time, which means that this is the part where I get in trouble for looking at the sporty girls.

You really can't go wrong with this question and answer:

"I wear #22 because: I like even numbers and my mom wore #2 when she played volleyball. The more 2Ęs the better."

Amen to the girl speakin' the truth. 2s rule! Of course, they lost last night, too bad. Ha. Ok, I'm out!

What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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