Fat Flyers
- Alex
article's headline caught my attention this morning. It would seem that people in this country are fat.
No kidding!
In any case, it looks like a commuter airline crash last year was caused, in part, by the plane being too heavy. So out comes the
data that the FAA assumes the average airline passenger weight in December in America to be... (drumroll please)... 185 pounds.
I don't think I could tell you the last time I weight a buck-eighty-five, and I'm still a relatively svelte person.
Oh by the way, this 185 includes things like coats and (apparently) presents. Ha.
In any case, the upshot of all of this is that airlines may require passengers to step on a scale as they gather fresh data about
the average weight that they should use in their safety calculations.
I can only imagine how that will go with certain, defensive personality type people. I just hope I'm there to see it. :)
Have a good weekend folks.
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