Still In Hawaii
- wadE
Considering I'm writing this a whole week before I've even left for Hawaii, what can I possibly bore you with.
How about something only I would notice.
When I was working in downtown Minneapolis, I noticed that a few places in the skyways had what looked to be
a credit card machine mounted to the wall.
Curiosity got the best of me, and discovered WalkSport!
Oddly enough when I looked this up back in December, Minneapolis Skyways was listed as a location. But it
no longer is. How strange.
Anyway, it is an organized group of mall walkers. Apparently you use the credit card machines to keep track
of your walking. All for an annual membership fee of $15!!!
What a deal!
Anyway, it's the 25th, so it's Wednesday, and I'm in Kauai.
It's so rough being me.
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