Cromulent G. Spammer
- Alex
I've noticed an alarming trend in my spam mailbox lately. Alarmingly funny, that is!
(I don't get no regard. No esteem, neither.)
Ok, but seriously folks, the best trend to happen to porno spam email in years is upon us. I've been getting emails from people
with the most ridiculous names, all telling me things like "Here's hot to find and pound a very HOT mother." in the subject line.
I'm not quite sure what that means. Anyway, the going trend seems to be to take two words at random from a dictionary, insert a
middle initial, and send out the spam from that name. It cracks me up, for some reason. Here are examples just from the last two
days (this has been happening for over a week now):
- Coercing I. Higher
- Interviewers G. Hippy
- Telecasting R. Receded
- Militantly D. Decelerate
- Reallocation D. Heartiness
- Zoroastrianisms I. Psychoses
- Satirizes O. Refractories
- Inducting F. Quacks
- Incest P. Amidst
- Crimped H. Caterer
- Troubador G. Jackdaw
- Remorse E. Bathrooms
- Hangings G. Buffaloed
- Accuser G. Infidelity
- Hormuz C. Abased
- Utterance D. Outclassing
- Lexicographer F. Leicester
- Tousled T. Heisted
- Musts I. Infirmary
- Nippling L. Ladybug
- Proboscis G. Bated
If you're scoring at home (or even if you're wadE): a Jackdaw is a Eurasian bird noted for thievery; Zoroastrianism(s) is a religion
of ancient Persia; a Proboscis is similar to a snout or trunk (think elephant); and I couldn't find a listing for 'Hormuz'.
Personally, I like 'Militantly D. Decelerate' ("Slow down maggot, that's an order!"), and Remorse E. Bathrooms (where else are
ya gonna have remorse?) the best.
Where am I going with all this? Ehh, nowhere really. I just thought it was funny. Have a great weekend!
What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some
feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.