Addendum Friday

- Alex

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I'm feeling very uninspired today. Even for me. So let's revisit the last two days in Gambit-Land.

Yesterday, wadE did a nice little bit on MJ. (No, not that MJ, the other one.) And overall, I would have to agree with him about how it's ridiculous that he gets to set his own terms for surrender. That said, it's also ridiculous that he'll have to endure far more scrutiny and public ridicule than any Joe Q Public ever would, whether he's convicted or not. I'm guessing the passenger of that White Bronco he mentioned would agree. I think it's incredibly sad that the average US Citizen would rather read about Jacko and his problems than even a good book. Whether the man is convicted or not, just leave him alone. Media outlets only have what power we give them - quit watching, and they'll stop showing it.

Two days ago, Wade wrote about a frivolous lawsuit against McDonald's. Again, I'm in complete agreeance (strategery!) with his writing. However, I think an interesting twist could involve a child in one of these lawsuits. Hey kid - instead of suing Ronald, sue your parents for being too lazy to cook you a decent meal. Wouldn't that just get everyone's attention?

Then again, there's no money in that. So it'll never happen.

What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.


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