Knowledge Vacuum
- Wade
Thinking of topics for gambits (and articles) is a depressing exercise for me. Why? Because I'd like to write about things like an Iraqi exit strategy, appointment of a gay bishop, or the first constitution ever for Afghanistan. But every time I start to type, I realize I have no idea what I'm talking about. Beyond the two-minute sound bite that I might hear on the news, I have no basis for an opinion for anything besides the following:
- Baseball
- Football
- Popular music (1985-1997)
- Literary Johns (Steinbeck and Irving)
- What SPAM is really made of
- How websites work
And that truly is about it. It's especially sad because six years ago I could have written (intelligently, even) on an array of topics ranging from the economics of baseball to John Stuart Mill's views on womens' suffrage.
Is that what college is for? Liberal arts colleges, maybe. Provide students with a wide range of knowledge on a variety of interesting subjects so that, after graduation, these students can get a job and focus so keenly on one area of expertise that they forget everything they once knew. Or maybe I'm just a lazy sh*t.
Irregardless. I don't think many simpleprop readers are really dying to hear a discourse explaining the difference in worldviews between Jean Jacques Rosseau and Thomas Hobbes. So make way for more CD reviews, everybody!!!! (sigh)
What do you think? Drop us a line at and give us some
feedback. Maybe we'll even run your letters in future Gambits. 'The Daily Gambit' is updated every weekday.