I Love My Cub?
- Alex
Are ya kidding?
Now I'm not saying I haven't put the occasional stupid bumper sticker on a car. Support of things that you find to be cool
or clever are just fine to put a little tag on your car. Just don't go crazy. Like a big window sticker for a grocery store.
That's right, I've been seeing an odd amount of window stickers for local (are they local?) grocery chain Cub Foods around
town, and really all I can say is that I hope by using one you get a free rebate or a chance to win a trip to Barbados or something.
Because otherwise you people are completely nuts. You might as well just go out and join the crowd of folks putting "powered by
Honda" stickers on their Hondas. No kiddin'? I thought that thing had a Volvo engine in it.
I guess I just can't see getting so excited about a food warehouse. I think most everyone in the Cities area knows what Cub is,
it's not like they need the advertising...
And for a bonus... JT sent me some motivational pictures for heavy drinkers. I'd be remiss if I didn't include a few.
Have a great weekend! Seriously this time!
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